2022 Post-Event Information
- Attendee Roster
- Presentations (approved for posting)
- Morning General Session: Welcome & Orientation; Leveraging Health IT and Big Data for Advances in Military and Veteran Research and Fort Bragg Research Institute Update and Future Requirements for Tactical Medicine & Austere Environments
- Department of Veterans Affairs & North Carolina Veterans Affairs Facilities: Requirements and Acquisition Processes
- R&D Funding and Collaboration to Deliver Novel Military Medical Solutions
- Brigadier General Katherine Simonson, Deputy Assistant Director, Research and Engineering, Defense Health Agency
- Jill Sorensen, Chief Operating Officer, Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC)
- Commander Chris Steele, Director, Military Operational Medicine Research Program, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command
- NC-COMP & DEFTECH: Overview and Teaming Briefs
- Lunch General Session: Panel Discussion: Medical Logistics Infrastructure - Support to Military Treatment Facilities and Tactical Commands
- Biodefense Preparedness: Q&A session only, no formal presentations
- Military Medical Facilities and Operational Medical Commands: Requirements and Acquisition Processes
- Human Performance Needs and Trends: Government and Industry Discussion
- Commander Chris Steele, Director, Military Operational Medicine Research Program, U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command
- Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Kardouni, Clinical Operations Officer, Action Officer, Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F), US Army Forces Command
- Colonel (Ret) Brian McGuire, Head, USMC Human Performance Branch, US Marine Corps Training and Education Command
- Colonel (Ret) Michael S. McGurk, Director, Research and Analysis, US Army Center for Initial Military Training
- LCDR Ryan Sheppard, PhD, MSC, USN, Physiologist, Research and Data Analytics, Marine Forces Special Operations Command
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Courtney Smedick
courtney@ncmbc.usFran Perez-Wilhite
perezf@ncmbc.usJustin Dues
The North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) is a business development entity of the North Carolina Community College System, headquartered at Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC). The mission of the NCMBC is to leverage military and other federal business opportunities to expand the economy, grow jobs and improve quality of life in North Carolina. The NCMBC’s primary goal is to increase federal revenues for businesses in North Carolina. The Department of Defense has an annual impact of $80 billion and is the second largest sector of North Carolina’s economy (12% GDP). With six major military bases, 116 National Guard and 40 Army Reserve facilities and the third highest number of uniformed military personnel in the country, the State of North Carolina created the NCMBC to leverage opportunities with these installations, DoD commands and federal agencies operating worldwide.