Medical, Biomedical & Biodefense: Support to the Warfighter Symposium


June 5, 2025

Enabling the Warfighter: Operational Requirements for Tactical Medicine.  The Fort Liberty Research Institute (FLRI), a program of The Geneva Foundation, is honored to lead a panel of military leaders who will present the needs, gaps and opportunities for industry and innovators to support the medical requirements of America’s premier warfighting commands.  Panel members will also inform industry- and academia-based developers about potential pathways to transition applicable technologies to meet these critical warfighter needs.

Business Opportunities with DoD and VA: Medical Supplies, Equipment and Devices. Representatives from Department of Defense (DoD) agencies, military treatment facilities (MTFs), major military commands and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) will describe the requirements, acquisition and distribution processes to provide medical materiel to DVA medical centers and clinics, MTFs and medical commands, units and warfighters worldwide.  When applicable, the discussion will include agency/command requirements and processes to acquire these materials through current DVA and DoD regional prime vendors and other prime contractors, which the speakers will identify.  Potential suppliers and subcontractors and prospective primes, including small businesses, should attend this session.

Medical Research and Development: Warfighter Brain Health.  The Warfighter Brain Health session will feature leaders from the policy level, Center of Excellence level, the medical research & development level and the elite operational unit level discussing how Brain Health is implemented across the DoD. The speakers will present their organizations efforts to assess, monitor, prevent and treat traumatic brain injuries to include but not limited to the following:

  1. Increasing monitoring of individuals performing high-risk training or operational activities and how those results will inform development of DoD acquisition documentation including the Concepts of Operation and capability development documents for TBI field monitoring and TBI field assessment capabilities.
  2. Modifying high-risk training and operational activities to mitigate the effects of negative blast exposures.
  3. Developing or revising return to duty and return to shoot protocols after evaluating exposure and injury data.
  4. Advance science in key areas of WBH such as blood biomarker research through coordination with academic partners.
  5. Identifying key activities, resources and metrics that support implementation of the WBHI.
  6. Developing mechanisms to capture lessons learned through activities such as brain health monitoring, program management and research coordination.

Department of Veterans Affairs One-On-One Meetings. The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), in collaboration with the NCMBC, will host one-on-one meetings with industry. This forum provides a unique opportunity for dialogue with key decision makers from multiple DVA offices.  Participants should bring capabilities statements and prepare a concise “elevator pitch” to communicate a compelling business case for the VA to procure their goods and/or services.

Business Opportunities with DoD and VA: Medical Services and Staffing. Representatives from DoD agencies, major military commands, military treatment facilities (MTFs) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) will describe the requirements and acquisition processes to support their medical centers and clinics worldwide with staffing and other contracted services.  When applicable, the discussion will include agency/command requirements and processes to acquire these services through current prime contractors, which the speakers will identify.  Potential subcontractors and prospective primes, including small businesses, should attend this session.

Medical Research & Development: Transitioning Dual-Use Technologies to DoD and VA. Representatives from major military commands, military treatment facilities (MTFs), the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) will outline processes to transition technologies from industry- and academia-based researchers into DoD and the VA.  Panel members will also address opportunities for industry to license and commercialize DoD- and VA-developed dual-use technologies.  The discussion will highlight strategies and opportunities for partnership in transitioning technologies from research to deployment, overcoming regulatory hurdles and fostering collaboration among academia, industry, and government.

Business Opportunities with DoD and VA: Pharmaceutical and Pharma Supply Chain. Representatives from DoD agencies, military treatment facilities (MTFs), major military commands and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) will describe the requirements, acquisition and distribution processes for pharmaceuticals in support of medical centers, clinics, MTFs and medical commands, units and warfighters worldwide.  When applicable, the discussion will include agency/command requirements and processes to acquire pharmaceuticals through current DVA and DoD prime contractors, which the speakers will identify.  Prospective primes, subcontractors and suppliers to the pharmaceutical industry, including small businesses, should attend this session.

Medical Research and Development: Opportunities to Connect with Warfighters and Veterans. Representatives from military treatment facilities (MTFs), major military commands, the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and the Fort Liberty Research Institute (FLRI) will outline processes for industry- and academia-based researchers and medical product developers to connect with military units, warfighters and veterans in North Carolina.  Speakers will also address opportunities for joint research with military investigators at MTFs and warrior-focused research funded through the Geneva Foundation/FLRI.  Industry and academia-based researchers and medical product developers and subcontractors should attend this session.

NC Coalition for Defense Research Quarterly Meeting.  Invitation Only